Moving Tips: Take the Stress out of Packing:
When the SOLD sign went up at our old house, I was so happy. We sold our house in 2 weeks and got above our asking price, woo hoo! Oh… but now that means we have to move… PANIC! Ok stay calm… think. I need to somehow take the stress out of packing.
We had packed up a bunch of our stuff during the decluttering, staging the house phase. I was 6 months pregnant and needed to make this process productive with as little stress as possible. I took to the internet to read what worked and didn’t work for others when packing their homes. Not everything worked for us because we are not made of money, and I had very little help with the kids. These techniques are what worked for us, saved us money, and helped keep me sane and organized.
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1. Have all your supplies ready.
Gather all your boxes, tape, paper, bubble wrap, and markers ahead of time. We purchased a moving kit from Amazon which saved us a bunch of headache and money. It’s everything you need, without having to think about it! The kits come with multiple size boxes, and a tape gun, something I didn’t know I needed until I used it! Order one kit for each room you’re packing. Other supply suggestions: wardrobe boxes, picture boxes, permanent markers, bubble wrap. With everything ready and available, it saved me from making multiple trips to the store. (Which would have been so fun with a big prego belly and 2 kids)
Want this moving checklist?? Scroll down and you can download it!
2. Pack only one room at a time.
In order to stay organized, only pack one area at a time. I started with the front of the house (our formal living and dining). Once it was packed and cleared, I could also use that space to start stacking boxes. Cause let’s be honest, I hadn’t used those rooms but a total of 5 times in the 7 years we’d lived there, anyway. This kept the rest of house clutter free. As you finish packing a room, stack all those boxes together. Color coordinate the tape on the boxes to each room. (red-kids room, blue- bathroom, etc…) That way, the boxes from each room will stay together and then get unloaded together at the new house. Also, leave the kitchen LAST. The kitchen is the most used room in the house, and it will save you a lot of stress and headache to leave till last.
3. Keep essentials for daily living out.
I knew there would be a period of time we would not have any of the things we packed in boxes, so I left out everything that we used on a daily basis. Then I packed those items in labeled totes. I purchased large 30 gallon Sterilite totes, and labeled one for each room of the house. Example: Kitchen, Mom/Dad, Kids, Office, Cleaning Supplies, Pantry. Then I filled them with things I knew we would need and use until we were fully unpacked. Example: Kitchen tote- cookie sheet, can opener, a couple of wooden spoons, 3 pots of different sizes, a casserole dish, a mixing bowl, paper plates, plastic utensils, etc… Want to know more about my moving totes? Head over to Stay Organized Between Homes.
4. Get the kids involved!
Hear me out, I’m not completely crazy. My children are like all other normal toddlers, that leave a path of destruction behind them everywhere they go. But I had 4 extra (tiny) hands, how could I not use them?? When I was packing up toys and the kids room ONLY, I set up a sort of game with them. I would make a box and let let them throw (non-breakable) things in, or let them sort (toddlers love sorting) toys for packing. Example: “Can you find all of the books and pile them here for mommy?” or “Can you find all of the cars/dolls and pile them here and here for mommy?” Occasionally they would pile them up then think it was fun to destroy their pile, but then I would ask them to re-pile and that kept them busy!
Stay organized during your move! Download a complete moving packet, FREE! Includes moving timeline, packing supply list, who to tell about your new address, and much more! Also includes FREE 12 month calendar!
5. Zip-Loc bags are a girl’s best friend.
I purchased a ton of 2-gallon, 1-gallon, and sandwich size baggies to use. Anything that you want to keep together, PUT IN A ZIP-LOC! Each puzzle was put in a 2-gallon baggy to keep the pieces with the board, all my hair-ties and head bands went into sandwich baggies, and all small electronics (like home phone) went into gallon baggies with their charger . The possibilities are endless, these were just a few examples. Also to prevent spills, I bagged up shampoo, spices, or just about anything liquid.
6. Hire packers to pack some of it.
BEST MONEY EVER SPENT. I couldn’t afford to have the whole house packed by pros, but for the majority of the kitchen, attic, garage, and the wall decor, hiring professionals was the way to go. I actually wanted to pack some of the house myself. I like to know where everything is (type A right here). However, anything breakable that needed a lot of wrapping was just too time consuming for me, and would have been a major headache with kids. Also, I was not about to climb up into the depths of the attic 6 months pregnant. Even if I wasn’t pregnant, I just couldn’t do that with kids anyways (“Get off the ladder… Get off the ladder”…you know how it goes), talk about stress and headache. Find packers that charge by the hour, so you’re not paying for time unused. I used 3 Men Movers in Houston. Four ladies showed up a day before we were scheduled to move, and they were in and out in about 4 hours. A LIFE SAFER! On a side note, buy all the supplies and have them ready for the packers, it’s much cheaper than using their supplies.
I hope these tips help! Let me know what packing ideas you have and what worked for you! I would love to hear them!
Tban you for giving ;me the idea to involved the kids in moving and i really like the part where you made up game could even make your todllers help with the moving
At that time, I was six months pregnant, and it was crucial for me to make this process as productive as possible while minimizing stress. To find effective packing strategies, I turned to the internet to learn from the experiences of others who had gone through similar situations. However, not everything I read was suitable for our specific circumstances, as we had limited financial resources and I had very little assistance with our children.alfa movers
Thank you for giving me the idea to involve the kids in moving and I really like the part where you made up a game that could even make your toddlers help with the moving. My husband and I are looking into new townhomes in our area since we want to move out of our old apartment immediately. I’ll keep your tips in mind once we start packing for our new house.
Hello Laura,
Thanks for your beautiful idea about moving anything.Moving is not an easy way, it is one kind of disturbing work for anyone. To plan the whole household material pack needs some good ideas for that. To finish this purpose I need some prestep for moving remotel . Here I get some pre planning to perform this purpose.
I’m so glad you liked it!! 😄
Thank you so much for the advice to get your kids involved by making the packing a game such as sorting. About a week ago, I found out that I am being relocated for my job. I need to be closer to the center of my environmental research. I will have to follow your tips and look into relocation services that can help make the whole process easier.
You’re very welcome!
Thank you for giving me the idea to involve the kids in moving and I really like the part where you made up a game that could even make your toddlers help with the moving. My husband and I are looking into new townhomes in our area since we want to move out of our old apartment immediately. I’ll keep your tips in mind once we start packing for our new house.
Actually moving is really very stressful work and not an easy to move. I am reading your blog. You share the information is very useful. I am happy with your blog. Thanks for sharing.
You’re very welcome!!
I am glad to find it. I found this much useful information, There are so many developers working on this part but this is one of the best innovative post ever. Thanks for sharing this so interesting post! I really want to be thankful for the way you have put it here.
Thank you so much Maxwell!!!
Don’t forget to ask friends/family for an extra hand. Bartering services wold be a great way to thank them or pizza and drinks will do.
I moved 3 times last year! I wish I’d had that moving kit back then!
It seriously saved me!
YES to zip lock bags! I keep buying more because we use them to keep all the little things together. Especially screws for things.
Yes! I used zip-locks for everything! They are also great for small kids toys, that way sets can stay together. We use them for screws and hardware too!